New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
~“Humans are now hackable animals.”
~“Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds but our intelligent design and the intelligent design of our clouds. The IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud, these are the new driving forces of evolution.”
~“What’s happening now? It’s [the COVID crisis] really a watershed in the history of surveillance. … Over the skin surveillance is, say, the government or corporation watching, monitoring where you go, what you buy, what you watch on television. Under the skin surveillance starts with monitoring your body temperature and blood pressure, but ultimately, it’s about hacking your body and brain and knowing what you’re feeling each and every moment, not just pain or coughing but, you know, our emotions.”
~“In the 21st Century, we may see the emergence of a new massive class of useless people, people who have absolutely no economic value.”
~“We don’t need to wait for Jesus Christ to come back to Earth in order to overcome death. A couple of geeks in a laboratory can do it.”
~“We’re giving up on gods but will turn ourselves into new kinds of gods.”
You may be thinking, Is Drenda quoting science fiction? Are these the rantings of a paranoid, conspiracy theorist? Surely, whoever made these preposterous claims would never be taken seriously! I’m afraid not.
As I detail in my brand-new book, Fight Like Heaven! A Cultural Guide to Living on Guard, these statements were made by arguably one of the most powerful and influential people in the world right now—Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is the advisor to the World Economic Forum and the person who Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Harvard, Stanford, and The New York Times have revered and even described as a “prophet!” Harari speaks at the WEF, Stanford, TED and TimesTalks. At one time, his books simultaneously topped two slots on The New York Times’ nonfiction best-seller list. He is a homosexual, vegan, atheist, and transhumanist with an obsession for mocking the God of the Bible.
Days before I released Fight Like Heaven!, I had the privilege of interviewing Robin D. Bullock on my show, Drenda on Guard. Robin is a highly gifted and trusted author, teacher, musician, and prophet. When we started discussing Harari’s sinister plans for mankind and his mockery of Jesus Christ that I had written about in my book, the Spirit of God came upon Robin so heavily that the entire set could feel the anointing. Robin prophesied:
This is the Word of the Lord. The Word of the Lord came to me saying this: “You call yourself the prophet. Open your mouth again, and I'll lay you on your face,” says the Lord. “You will not rise up against Me in this time, for My people have called to me through the blood of the Lamb, and I will honor every call made. For you open your ignorant mouth again, and I will close it,” says the Lord.
“For you will reap a harvest instantly on the spot, and I'm going to make a fool out of you in front of everybody. For I will show you who is God, and you are not Him!” For the Lord says this: “Hear the word of the Lord and obey, for it is your last chance to obey. Shut your filthy mouth, for I am going to show you. I will shut it for you,” says the Lord.
“And all of those connected to you will run like scattered roaches and rats from your presence. So, you heed this call,” says the King. “And I took supernatural steps to get this word to you, and you will hear it. And you dare laugh at Me? You dare laugh at My prophet sitting on this set talking to you? Dare open your mouth and laugh, and it will be the laugh of the worshippers of Baal. For this time has come, and you will be no more,” says the Lord, the King of Glory.
This word came forth with such power that I was literally shaking! Our God shall not be mocked! It is clear to me from Robin’s warning—either Harari stops speaking blasphemies against God or he will be made a public spectacle!
How is Harari bold enough to speak against the name of the Lord on the world’s stage? And how is he, with such a twisted and perverse ideology, embraced by the most influential people and institutions on Earth? It is because there are only two kingdoms—the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan—and every person is part of one or the other. Where Harari stands is without question. Depending on where we have chosen to align ourselves, our allegiance is to God or Satan. There are no other options according to Jesus’s words that state we are either for Him or against Him!
The war is on! Are you prepared for battle? In Fight Like Heaven!, I expose the darkness of these last days, including Harari’s plans to hack humans, the New World Order, transhumanism, Marxism, LGBTQ+ indoctrination, crippling inflation, financial devastation, BLM, abortion, and the COVID vaccine, to name a few. More importantly, I will also teach you the principles of spiritual warfare, how to fight like heaven and kick hell out!
Whether you are a minister, businessman, doctor, or a stay-at-home mom, you must know your God-given purpose for being on the earth at this time, be ready to engage in warfare in this eleventh hour, able to recognize and counter the enemy’s attacks against your children, and make the right decision for your family, freedom, country, and faith.
For the moms and grandmas out there, know that once prepared for battle, you will be a force to be reckoned with! As I wrote in Fight Like Heaven!, a lawmaker once told me, “We don’t fear paid lobbyists or even average citizens, but we greatly fear mama-bears; grand-mama bears are even more fierce.”
Fear not! God has called every man, woman, and child to be on guard and speak the truth with love—but without compromise. Let me lead you into battle!
Get your copy of Fight Like Heaven! HERE:
Watch Robin D. Bullock’s appearances on Drenda on Guard here:
Part 1 - Prophets of God vs Prophets of Baal
Part 2 - Robin D. Bullock Calls Out Dr. Yuval Noah Harari
Part 3 - Roe v Wade Leak! The Prophets Have Spoken. An Interview with Robin D. Bullock
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